2024 Banquet Raffle

SEHC Raffle Flyer

2024 Annual Banquet
Honoring Barry and Esti Graham
Special tribute in memory of Manny Sadwin

Dasher Sefer Torah

Hachnosos Sefer Torah Program

Hachnasas Sefer Torah Hachnosos Sefer Torah Sunday, June 9 Torah Dedication Journal Finish the Torah, by writing a letter, watch the sofer:  starting at 12:30 Escort the Torah with Fanfare and Music starting at 1:30…meet at the Dashers’ house 10907 Martha Drive, come down the stairs into the parking lot and walk towards the shul […]

2024 Annual Banquet

2024 Annual Banquet
Honoring Barry and Esti Graham
Special tribute in memory of Manny Sadwin

Mechiras Chometz 5784 (2024)

Mechiras Chometz 5784 (2024) Rabbi Bulman will be available for Mechiras Chometz daily, 10 minutes before Mincha and 10 minutes after Ma’ariv, or by appointment. Please fill out the form in advance.

Shabbos of Gadlus

Shabbos of Gadlus with Rabbi Yechiel Biberfeld - March 9

Shabbos of Gadlus with Rabbi Yechiel Biberfeld – Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel / Shekalim
March 9 / Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheini

Join us as Rabbi Biberfeld shares from the life and teachings of Rav Matisyahu Salomon ZT”L, the Mashgiah of the Gateshead and Lakewood Yeshivos, giving us a glimpse of his Gadlus and a window into our own.