Donations & Payments to SEHC
Southeast Hebrew Congregation (SEHC) is a 501( c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 53-0204646.
Donations and Payments to Southeast Hebrew Congregation may be made via any of the following methods:
✡ PayPal Giving Fund: (no fee for SEHC)
- You can pay by credit card, PayPal, and other methods supported by PayPal
- This method is only appropriate for entirely tax-deductible items — see list below
- Please check the box to “share your name and email with this charity” so we can see it was from you
- PayPal Giving Fund has NO WAY to give a note or specify what the donation is for. Therefore, if the payment or donation is for anything other than paying current charges or a general donation, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the intended purpose.
✡ Venmo: (no fee for SEHC) may be sent to @SoutheastHebrew or using our QR Code:

- Please specify what the payment or donation is for
- Recurring payments may be setup here
- If asked, the last 4-digits of phone number are: 5772
✡ Zelle: (SEHC is charged a fee of ~1%) may be sent to Southeast Hebrew Congregation or using our QR Code:

- Please specify what the payment or donation is for
- Recurring payments may be setup here
- If asked, the e-mail is: [email protected]
✡ PayPal: (SEHC is charged a fee of ~2.5%)
- Recurring payments may be setup here
- You can pay by credit card, PayPal, and other methods supported by PayPal
✡ Pay directly on ShulCloud (SEHC is charged a fee of ~3%)
- You can pay by credit card
- Recurring payments may be setup here
- If you are a member, please login to ShulCloud
- If you need assistance logging on to your ShulCloud account, email [email protected] and ask for help
- If you would like help setting up monthly or other periodic payments, please email [email protected]
✡ Kiosk (“Gizber”) in the shul lobby (SEHC is charged a fee of ~3%)
✡ Checks (no fee for SEHC) may be made out to SEHC and given to Treasurer or mailed to:
- 10900 Lockwood Dr.; Silver Spring, MD 20901
- Please add to the memo field what the payment is for
✡ Cash (no fee for SEHC) may be given to the Treasurer with a note or memo field with what it is for.
If you personally receive something tangible for your donation (e.g., Matzah, Schach, etc.), then the donation is not entirely tax-deductible. The following items are entirely tax-deductible (this list is not complete — please see IRS Charitable Contributions or check with [email protected] for questions):
- Shul Dues (and Tallis Box Rental)
- Kiddush & Shalosh Seudos & Mishmar & Melave Malka & Dor L’Dor Sponsorships
- Aliyos (including paying for ones received via an auction)
- High Holiday Seating Reservations
- Mishaloch Manos
- Banquet Journal Ads
- Yizkor Pledges & Yahrzeits Donations
- Chesed Meals
- Safer Torah Campaign
- General Donations
- Torah Charity Fund (e.g., Matanos L’Evyonim, Maos Chitim)