
Men's Learning

SEHC offers many Inspirational Shiurim and learning opportunities for men of all backgrounds and levels - Please see the weekly newsletter for scheduling details.
  • Daily Daf Yomi with Rabbi Bulman
  • Dirshu: Daily Dirshu shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Charner and daily Dirshu chavrusah learning.  Please contact Dr. Hirsch Komarow.
  • Alei Shor – Mussar for men – Monday night with the Rav
  • Halacha B’Iyun – Orchos Shabbos Hilchos Muktza with the Rav
  • Gemara B’Iyun – Maseches Shabbos with the Rav
  • Nefesh Hachaim – Understanding our World with the Rav
  • Daily Halacha between mincha and maariv (Rav)
  • Weekly Ahavas Chesed Shiur after Kabbolas Shabbos
  • Shabbos Shiur and Discussion – Covering a wide-ranging array of topics between Mincha and maariv
  • Nightly open Bais Medrash learning
  • GWCK Bais Medrash Night every Tuesday.  Chavrusah learning and shiurim.
  • Hilchos Eruvin with Rabbi Shlomo Katz – head of The Silver
  • Spring Community Eruv
  • Ein Yaakov – Explore the depths of Aggadata with Rabbi Shlomo Katz – Maseches Sanhedrin
  • Not Just Coke and Chips – A long-running Gemara Shiur with Aharon Yehuda Sussman – Maseches Eruvin
  • Daily Three Minutes of Mussar video 
  • Our Bais Medrash and Library are available 24/7 and we are also the home of The Greater Washington Community Kollel.

Women's Learning

SEHC offers a rich variety of inspirational and educational Shiurim for women of all levels.  Please see the weekly newsletter for scheduling details.
  • Weekly Practical Halacha Shiur with Rabbi Bulman
  • LIVING WITH WISDOM –  Bringing the wisdom of Megillas Koheles into our contemporary world with Mrs. Dvora Bulman.
  • Women’s Shabbos Afternoon Shiur –  Drawing from our deep pool of inspirational speakers, the community’s women come together on Shabbos afternoon for inspiration and a chance to get together and schmooze.
  • Mrs. Sora Malka Winter of the Greater Washington Community Kollel delivers a weekly Parsha Shiur.
  • Annual Shalom Bayis and Taharas Hamishpacha Shovavim event.
  • Shiurim for Post-seminary girls
  • Coffee, Cake, and Inspiration: Pre-Yom Tov Sunday morning Shiurim for women with the Rav.
  •   Three Minutes of Mussar – Daily Mussar blast on Mesilas Yesharim

Tehillim and Chesed

SEHC offers many opportunities for women's tefillah and chessed
  • Motzei Shabbos Tehillim: Women and girls come together on the conference line (605-475-4700, access code 845#) at 10:15 PM to say Tehillim. For more information contact Loretta Sadwin.
  • Sunday Morning Tehillim for Shidduchim:  meets via Zoom on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. You are assigned a booklet of a few Tehillim and read them to yourself in Hebrew or English. A group member reads the Yehi Ratzon before saying Tehillim and the Misheberach, and a list of names of all those who need a shidduch at the end. Contact Marina Makovoz at [email protected]  or (301) 789-8276 or Laurie Cohen at [email protected] or (240) 793-1269 for more information, or to add/take off a name.
  • SEHC Hospitality Committee: Arranges Shabbos meals for newcomers, visitors, and singles. To get involved contact Suzie Miller 410-961-2634 or email [email protected].
  • SEHC CHESSED COMMITTEE: Provides support to community members in times of need; planning, delivering coordinating meals and more.  Please contact Laurie Cohen or [email protected] to get involved.

Boys' Programming

SEHC provides fun and inspiring programming for boys of all ages
  • Nightly Masmidim program at 7:00pm where boys come to shul for extra learning. There is also a small shiur from the Rav and treats, prizes and mesibas.
  • Dor L’Dor – winter Motzei Shabbos learning for men and boys with pizza, raffles and fun!
  • Shabbos groups for younger boys – 3pm Shabbos afternoon
  • Special events for kids – around Yomim Tovim – Channuka Bubble Show, Succos Carnival…
  • Oneg Shabbos for Bocherim in the Rav’s Succah – Divrei Torah, singing and schmoozing late into the night…

Girls' Programming

SEHC provides fun and inspiring programming for girls of all ages
  • Bnos –Shabbos groups for girls – 3pm Shabbos afternoon
  • Special events for kids – around Yomim Tovim – Channuka Bubble Show, Succos Carnival…
  • Art and Inspiration events with the Rebbetzin – Divrei Torah, sushi, pizza, art and bonding for teenage girls at the home of the Rebbetzin
  • Special Shiurim and Panel discussions for teenage girls of the community.
  • Shiurim for Post-seminary girls.

Women's N'shei

SEHC's N'shei provides a vital social, creative and inspirational outlet for women
  • Shalom Bayis and Taharas Hamishpacha Shovavim events.
  • Coffee, Cake and Inspiration: Pre-Yom Tov Sunday morning Shiurim for women 
  • Women’s Melave Malkas throughout the year
  • Women’s art events –
  • Women’s fitness classes
  •  See the Gallery for event highlights!

Yom Tov Ruach

SEHC infuses Yomim Tovim with Ruach and meaning for everyone
  • Annual Simchas Bais Hashoeva
  • Annual Purim Mesiba
  • Oneg Shabbos for Bocherim in the Rav’s Succah
  • Coffee, Cake and Inspiration: Pre-Yom Tov Sunday morning Shiurim for women 
  • Chanukka Kid’s events
  • Pre-Pesach KAshering Shiur
  • Inspiring Yom Tov Shiurim
  • GWCK Chanuka event
  • Gala Shavuos Ice Cream Kiddush
  • Shavuos Panel discussion for girls
  • See the Gallery for highlights

Special Events

SEHC has a wide variety of fun, unifying, and inspirational special events throughout the year:  See the gallery for event highlights.
  • Kumzitz Melave Malka
  • Shabbos of Chizuk with Rav Lopiansky, Rav Reingold, and Kollel Zichron Amram
  • Guest speakers – Rabbi Spiro, Rav Lopiansky
  • Oneg Shabbosos throughout the year
  • Ari Goldwag concert
  • End of summer Bar-B-Q
  • Lag B’Omer Bar-B-Q
  • Annual Simchas Bais Hashoeva
  • Annual Dinner
  • Annual Purim Mesiba
  • Shabbos Luncheon
  • Weekly Hot Kiddush

Community Kollel

SEHC is honored to be the home of the Greater Washington Community Kollel.