About Us

About Southeast Hebrew Congregation – Knesses Yehoshua
Since 1909, Southeast Hebrew Congregation has provided a Torah home to the Jewish community in the Washington, DC area.
Conveniently located in the White Oak neighborhood of Silver Spring near Washington, DC and 40 minutes south of Baltimore, SEHC is a vibrant, family-oriented, Torah focused Orthodox shul. Our close-knit kehilla is composed of members who possess a strong commitment to personal growth and limud Hatorah.
Rabbi Meir Bulman
Rabbi Bulman grew up in Washington Heights, NY and learned in Yeshivas Mercaz Hatorah, Yeshiva of Greater Washington, and Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. After five years in Eretz Yisrael, the Bulmans joined the Scranton Community Kollel where Rabbi Bulman learned under Rav Chaim Weg, shlit”a, for 7 years and received Semicha from Rav Moshe Heinemann, shlit”a. In 2010 Rabbi Bulman became the Rav of Hebrew Orthodox Congregation in South Bend, IN. During his 11-year tenure in South Bend, Rabbi Bulman facilitated the community’s tremendous growth and development.
In the summer of 2021, the Bulmans relocated to White Oak where Rabbi Bulman assumed the position of Rav of Southeast Hebrew Congregation. Rabbi Bulman’s focus on creating strong personal connections, dynamic shiurim, and diverse programming have added to the strong sense of energy and positivity in the SEHC community. SEHC looks forward to many more years of Rabbi Bulman’s warm and insightful Torah leadership.
Rabbi Bulman is a member of the Vaad Harabbonim of Greater Washington and can be reached at [email protected]

SEHC is established near Capitol Hill

the Congregation purchases and remodels 417 Ninth Street

Rabbi Simon Burnstein, zt”l, assumes the pulpit

the building expands onto an adjacent plot of land to accommodate growing congregation

SEHC relocates to “The White House” in White Oak

Groundbreaking for the extended building

“Knesset Yehoshua” is appended to the shul’s name upon Rabbi Burnstein’s untimely passing

Rabbi Kalman Winter, zt”l, assumes the pulpit

The initial portion of today’s building is constructed

The Greater Washington Community Kollel is established

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine assumes the pulpit

Rabbi Meir Bulman assumes the pulpit